Information Communication Technology Projects: 7 Best Practices and Worst Mistakes

Technology, especially in providing information communication technology (ICT) projects, has increased and embraced part of our lives. ICT is one of the most innovative and rapidly developing fields in the modern world.

The development of systems that have been widely used to this day is a brilliant example of the great achievements made. However, it depends on the interest whether one is working in an information technology project manager job description or just interested in implementing the new technology in his or her life.

In this article, we’ll discuss the basic elements of ICT projects and see how these elements promote the improvement and development of various industries.

Table of Contents

How Information Communication Technology Projects Solve Real World Problems

ICT projects are very vital in trying to solve various issues that one may find in organizations and in their daily lives. ICT projects are the backbone of continuing work direction and reformation, ranging from productivity enhancement to improved flows of communication.

From learning about Information Communication Technology history or if you’re looking up Information Technology project manager job description, these projects provide the resources required to increase productivity and cohesion. 

An insight into the concept of Information Communication Technology Projects

Information and communication technology is a vast area of technology that encompasses the use of computers and telecommunication among others in storage, retrieval, transmission, and manipulation of data. ICT can be implemented in a small scale project within an organization or be a system that operates on the global level for millions of users.

The transformation of information communication technology captures how the inventions of the internet, smartphones, and cloud computing for instance revolutionized means of communication, working, and contracting in the present generation.

Such projects involve connecting numerous technologies, thus forming closed systems that raise efficiency, facilitate communication, and allow effective information processing. 

ICT Projects: The Function of an Information Technology Project Manager

One of the important activities that cannot be overemphasized in any ICT project is the project management activities. Some of the roles of an information technology project manager include the responsibility of planning, implementing, and delivering projects throughout the project life cycle by the laid down project time and cost restraints.

Such people are supposed to mediate, resolve problems that emerge in the course of the development process, and guarantee that the results reflect business needs. Project management plays an important role in the implementation of ICT since it reduces risk factors while ensuring that resources are utilized efficiently for the overall improved returns on the various investments. 

The article shows how the history of ICT projects determines the future. 

ICT information communication technology combines a rich history of projects to which the world owes many achievements even in the present. The evolution of the early computer to the modern cloud has played an important role in providing improved, quicker, and more secure means of communication.

Such projects are usually focused on solving particular issues like the management of business processes or the development of better communication means.

History of past ICT innovation can be useful in directing future projects since the organizations can learn from the success that took place earlier and the problems that arose during the implementation of the innovation. In particular, ICT projects will continue to be associated with the latest technologies due to the growing need for sophisticated technologies. 

How ICT Projects Change Sectors and People’s Lives 

There is however a clear indication that ICT projects do not only affect businesses but also society in general. From education, health information, technology delivery, and access to services all areas are now embracing Information Communication Technology.

Examples are ICT projects in education that assist the learning process by enhancing or providing access to Internet utilities and social networks. In the field of healthcare, for example, such projects give a positive value by enhancing efficient management and sharing of information on patient’s health.

ICT projects will therefore in the future keep on fueling change across industries as more and better technologies are developed to solve everyday problems and enhance living standards.

The Ultimate Guide to Information Communication Technology Projects

Information Communication Technology Projects

ICT projects have come a long way to change methods used in solving complex problems and issues encountered in today’s complex world.

ICT projects include the improvement of global connections and operations management for commercial companies. In this guide, it will be interesting to show that such projects foster innovation and engage with the concerns of the contemporary world. 

Ways in which ICT Projects address issues in society 

ICT project aims to solve actual life challenges by employing technology in solving issues of efficiency, communication, and accessibility. Regardless of whether it is in the field of health, efficiency of business processes, or education ICT has become the tool to address global issues.

Due to the convergence of various hardware, software, and network systems present in ICT projects, the continuity of information processing is achieved hence enhancing the operations of an organization.

The possibilities of these projects mean that every sector can potentially pay dividends and therefore information technology project managers contribute significantly to the implementation of most major projects. 

A brief history of information, communication technology 

The development of ICT can be dated back to the early 20th century whereby communication technology and telecommunication came into being. In due course, these progressed to today’s systems and formed the basis of the prevailing ICT systems projects.

This started from the telephone invention, the early computers to the invention of the internet, ICT has always been an innovative field. This history makes people appreciate the progress when using modern ICT solutions as well as their development.

All these innovations have produced a foundation for the next ICT ventures, whereby communication is always fast efficient, and accessible in different parts of the world.

Core Elements for Mastering ICT Projects: Key Technologies & Challenges

Information Communication Technology Projects

As the present society is becoming more technologically inclined, ICT projects remain to be significant in business modeling. That can be the question most of the time: But what can make these projects effective? This guide deconstructs the full components of ICT initiations that characterize successful ones and overlays them with challenges and some solutions. 

 The following are the major components of effective ICT projects: 

 ICT project activities rely on several key activities and it is important to have a significant understanding of them to avoid hitches. All right, let’s get deeper into the core issues.

  • Software:
    Something that has been given prominence at the core of every ICT project is software. Various functions are part of the crucial processes that are covered by the custom application and enterprise level software.
    Make sure to capture flexible and also expandable software to work with the ever changing characteristics of the projects. 
  •  Hardware:
    The support structure beneath your software must also be very strong and very reliable. These include computers, servers, routers as well as any physical equipment that is related to conducting the business. Reliable Right hardware makes your software work efficiently to the level that you are in a position to integrate most of your systems. 
  •  Networks:
    Networks are the backbone of an ICT project and the most important element is when these networks are secure and can be relied on. A good network enables the provision of data and information, and communication, and fosters teamwork among the members.
    Some of the measures that have to be in place include, in the management of networks particularly those that give direct access to the organization’s databases there has to be stringent security measures to avert pen intrusions or loss of significant databases.

Key Technologies Used: Software, Hardware, and Networks

A well coordinated integration of software, hardware, and networks yields the best results in ICT implementation as seen in the case of the most successful projects. These technologies are the main enablers of projects’ smooth processes.

It also explains how good IT project managers understand how to use the right combination of tools to fit business needs. 

  1.  Software: In data management, application in automation, and for communication purposes. 
  2.  Hardware: Equipment such as the servers and routers that define the structure of your system. 
  3.  Networks: Reliable connections that ensure non intercepted communication and substance flow and transfer of data.

Common Challenges and Solutions in ICT Projects

Same with any other type of project, managing ICT projects has its own set of difficulties and complexities. Here is the list of typical problems and their possible way-outs. 

  • Integration Issues:
    They also pointed at conflict arising from disparate systems, a situation that can lead to delays in service delivery. Solution: Applying middleware to help integrate of various platforms and facilitate their information exchange. 
  •  Budget Overruns:
    This expansion becomes a significant problem because it increases the overall costs of a project; this we refer to as the increment in budget that may arise from scope creep. Solution: Ensure that there is a well laid down project management strategy right from the initial stages. 
  • Security Breaches:
    If security features are not employed that information can be easily compromised. Solution: Pay for sophisticated security features such as encryption and many factor authentication and such features. 

 The use of technologies that include specialized software, more reliable and robust hardware as well as secure network is crucial for success. This makes it essential for project managers to be on the lookout for problems while remaining versatile to overcome them.

Unraveling the Evolution of ICT: Key Milestones & Lessons

Information Communication Technology Projects

A Look at the Evolution: History of Information Communication Technology

ICT has a very interesting history, it showed the world how society changes and how things impact everyone’s life. ICT has come a long way right from the age of smoke signals and postmen to the present day communications networks.

This evolution of media communication thus happened in a step by step process although it experienced several key technological breakthroughs that defined the modern innovations. 

Some of the General Highlights in the Development of ICT 

The first landmark in the development of ICT was the development of the telegraph in the1830s whereby people could communicate from long distances. Next, came the use of the telephone and the radio improving the ability to connect people in real time.

The subsequent advancement was the emergence of the internet in the late part of the twentieth century, which has grown to be the foundation of today’s information technology.

These all are the markers of the fact that humanity has been constantly trying to advance its ways of transmitting and processing information, which would get us to the present state of a highly interconnected world. 

Innovations That Have Resulted from Past ICT Projects 

 Main ICT projects of the past significantly shaped today’s technology. For instance, the systems of early telephone calls developed into mobile networks to allow wireless calls.

It was then in the 1950s that the mainframe computers were presented setting the stage for the current personal computers, laptops, and smart mobile devices. In addition, previous advancements in the fields of data storage and networking have gone hand in hand with today’s cloud computing and Cybersecurity technologies.

Some of these early efforts are still used by managers overseeing information technology projects in today’s world. 

The late ICT projects offer insights into the current approaches. 

Today’s ICT initiatives are largely built upon previous experiences of success and failure. In the early days of implementation, we gained crucial knowledge on how big technologies should be created, should be safe, and should be designed.

For instance, the advancement of the internet called for increased security over the systems used online. Likewise, the early communication networks stressed on aspects such as reliability and speed, which are still central to the existing ICT structures.

These lessons assist today’s project managers in creating new ICT systems that are more effective, less susceptible to threats, and better capable of adapting to developments in the future.

How to Masterfully Manage an ICT Project: A Step by Step Guide

Information Communication Technology Projects

It would appear on the surface that drawing together an ICT project could be rather difficult. However, it is only so when one does not have the right strategies in place; otherwise, it will turn out to be a thrilling and fulfilling path.

This guide covers everything there is to know about planning for projects, what tools are essential, and best practices that guarantee success whether you are leading a small team or managing an entire system overhaul. To keep your ICT project going well from its initiation until completion, follow these steps.

Project Planning and Scope Definition: What Should Be Prioritized?

The primary thing that you should do for all ICT projects is planning. A weak plan can easily make you lose direction and control. Establishing project scope is the first step exactly what are you trying to accomplish? What are the goals of the project and what are your available resources?

Here are some of the things that should take precedence:

  • Obvious objectives: Make sure that all interested groups in the project know why it was started as a way to avoid confusion later.
  • Resource allocation: Find out which resources including hardware, software, personnel, and funds can be utilized.
  • Risk evaluation: Take note of possible problems and create alternative options. In ICT, always expect the worst things to happen.
  • Timeline establishment: Develop a schedule for all phases of the program to guarantee movement speed and accountability.

How well you manage these priorities can be determined by success or failure In ICT project management.

Essential Tools for ICT Project Management

The selection of the right tools for you in case you are searching for ICT project management tools can assist you. Project management tools help with task organization, progress tracking, and collaboration. Several fundamental tools for ICT project management include the following:

  1. Jira: It is a great tool for handling tasks as well as bugs; more so in software development activities;
  2. Trello: It is a simple yet powerful application that helps visualize project workflows;
  3. Slack: This ensures continuous connectivity and keeps everybody informed about what is happening;
  4. Asana: This gives overall information about the entire program including assignments, deadlines, and priorities.

The choice of the appropriate instrument depends on the type of information and communication technology project being undertaken. Every undertaking is different make sure your decision resonates with it

Best Practices for Leading a Successful ICT Project from Start to Finish

To manage an ICT project successfully, it’s important to adhere to best practices that simplify procedures and encourage teamwork. The following are methods you can apply for your project to be successful:

  1. Effective Communication: Keep stakeholders updated all the time. A good communicator is a must have for all information technology project managers.
  2. Agile Methodology: Divide the undertaking into smaller manageable parts to allow for flexibility in decision making and weeding out obstacles faster
  3. Continuous Monitoring: Track progress regularly and adapt plans if necessary. The most reliable outcomes will be realized through technologies for real time monitoring.
  4. Teamwork: Create a cooperative environment within which all members work towards their maximum potential together; this will make the tasks easier.

Fortunately, if you employ these concepts in your career, you can be well structured and cut down disorder to deal with information communication technology projects more optimally.

Top Responsibilities of an Information Technology Project Manager: Skills & Problem Solving Guide

Information Communication Technology Projects

The Information Technology (IT) project manager is an important figure in ensuring that ICT (Information Communication Technology) projects run smoothly.

They are responsible for overseeing project timelines and resolving complex problems and their duties determine the success of any techno oriented venture. In this article, we shall analyze the key competencies as well as problem solving cases that an IT project manager should be able to deal with to have a clear picture of what his or her role is.

Key Responsibilities in an Information Technology Project Manager Job

To avoid project delays.

Some primary responsibilities are:

  • Identifying Project Objectives and Scope
    The very first step involves defining precise objectives. In addition, IT project manager must define the scope of the project to ensure that it complies with the overall information and communication technology strategy of the organization. This ensures that everyone shares the same vision.
  • Communication and Team Leadership
    This requires a great deal of clarity because he is leading a team of different backgrounds. It is the role of the project manager to ensure an adequate flow of information within teams so that developers, engineers, and business partners can work together smoothly.
  • Resource Allocation and Budget Management
    Managing a project’s resources including human resources, hardware, and software is an important responsibility. An IT project manager must allocate resources wisely while staying within budget constraints to ensure ICT project management success.
  • Monitoring Progress and Adjusting Plans
    Regularly tracking progress is crucial for meeting project milestones. The manager must be adept at adjusting plans when challenges arise so as not to cause delays in the implementation of the project.

Skills Required to Lead ICT Projects Effectively

Information Communication Technology Projects

The project managers of ICT must possess a specific set of skills to execute projects effectively:

  • Technical Expertise
    Even though they are not required to be coding gurus, IT project managers ought to have a robust knowledge of the history of information communication technology as well as current technologies. This aids them in interacting with the latest technical standards in their teams and making informed decisions.
  • Collaboration and Management
    Good leadership is important. IT project managers have to offer leadership and motivation so that teams understand the objectives of different projects.
  • Analytical abilities and finding solutions
    Often during the execution of IT projects, there are unforeseen challenges that crop up. For the IT project manager, responding swiftly and creatively to unexpected tech problems or sudden budget slashes is fundamental.
  • Risk Management
    It’s possible for every IT related proposal or call for action (either about human resources or technological breakthroughs) to face risks at some point in time; thus, being able to see all these issues beforehand as well as set up contingency plans is very important projects Effectively

Problem Solving Scenarios for Project Managers in ICT

An IT project manager’s success depends on their ability to solve problems effectively. Below are some common situations that they encounter.

  • Postponed Timelines
    Due to unexpected situations, projects often lag behind schedule. Bottlenecks should be quickly identified and resources reallocated to accelerate the work where necessary to bring back timelines according to an effective IT project manager.
  • Technical Obstacles
    When there is a technical issue, the manager should collaborate with the development team to ascertain its causative factors. This may involve inviting additional specialists or searching for different software solutions.
  • Excess Budgets
    When costs surpass projections, the project manager reconsiders the priorities which might include the removal of unnecessary features or negotiation for lower deals. It is important to achieve this without sacrificing quality.
  • Miscommunication Among Team Members
    Poor communication can result in project delays. Therefore, as an IT project manager, you must ensure proper communication channels within ICT are established and encourage team members to communicate with each other openly to prevent misunderstandings from taking place.

You can therefore confidently face some of the toughest situations in ICT project management by understanding what precisely an information technology project manager does and developing the appropriate skills. 

Overcoming ICT Project Challenges: Key Pitfalls and Solutions

Information Communication Technology Projects

Information communication technology IC projects have complexities and risks. For a project to succeed these challenges must be understood” (Authors). Here are some pitfalls frequently encountered in ICT projects with possible remedies.

Common Risks Faced in ICT Projects

  • Budget Constraints:
    Managing costs is one of the most common problems in these types of projects. Stakeholders may feel dissatisfied if they find out that their project has exceeded its budget.
    This can be avoided by coming up with a comprehensive budget plan, regularly reviewing what had been spent, and keeping extra funds for anything not factored in the main plan including money reserves for whatever surprises come up.
    It is also important to give priority to essential features only and implement those over time to manage finances well.
  • Timeline Delays:
    Another popular impediment comes from time loss due to things such as wrong estimates concerning time needed or lack of resources and unexpected technical problems.
    In order not to experience delays make sure to create a feasible schedule that allows change whenever needed; use project management tools available to monitor progress made by day and have an effective communication system among members of the team to enable solving any challenges encountered quickly
  • The occurrence:
    of project alterations, either in terms of requirements or scope is commonly referred to as scope creep. It usually results in delays and extra costs.
    Therefore, to avoid such occurrences it is important to establish clear guidelines for the project at its beginning as well as set up a change control system which will be used when there are alterations in the project.
    Any requested modifications must also be analyzed on how they will affect the timeline and budget of the particular venture before they can be allowed.

Real World Case Studies

  1. Successful Budget Management:
    Take for example Company X, which had to work with a limited budget in the course of a major ICT upgrade. They phased the rollout and relied on a strong financial monitoring system. In this way, they did not go above their means and were able to successfully execute that project.
  2. Timely Project Completion:
    Another example is Company Y, which saw delays in terms of timeline because of technical problems. When they adopted agile practices for project management while at the same time ensuring open communications, they managed those delays efficiently and delivered the goods within time.
  3. Addressing Scope Creep:
    After defining a clear project scope, Company Z implemented a change management process. They evaluated each modification request according to its potential impact as a way of sustaining the focus and adherence to original project objectives.

ICT Projects Driving Innovation: Transforming Healthcare, Education, and Finance

Information Communication Technology Projects

A wide range of sectors like healthcare, education, and finance have been ignited in terms of innovation due to various Information Communication technologies (ICT).

Healthcare information technology projects have also had a great impact on patient care as well as medical research.  Nonetheless, electronic health records (EHRs) have greatly improved the management of patient information, thus making it easier to access and accurate.

Telemedicine platforms allow patients to receive professional advice through telephone calls or online channels without having to incur the transport costs of traveling from remote places.

The utilization of ICT initiatives like e-learning platforms and virtual classrooms has made education more interesting and easy to access. Several programs such as digital learning and classroom technologies are tailored for different types of learners, making it possible to cater to individual preferences while overcoming distance.

The finance sector has also witnessed substantial improvements in information and communication technology. For instance, blockchain technology has made the transaction more secure and open. Financial transactions have become easier due to fintech solutions such as mobile banking apps leading to more extensive inclusion.

Meanwhile, the future of ICT looks promising with better industry impacts ahead. The growth of new technologies including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) will take further innovations that were previously unimaginable;

for example, AI may change how predictively logical analytics are applied within health care systems but on the other hand, IoT is likely going to transform smart classrooms while Blockchain could modify financial systems.

To summarize it all; ICT projects serve as a solution for key challenges across sectors leading to growth. These technological breakthroughs are not only tackling existing issues but also laying down a path for future creativity, especially in areas such as health care or banking.

The increasing combination of advanced technologies will keep transforming various industries to foster development and effectiveness.

Maximizing Success: Effective ICT Project Management Tips

Information Communication Technology Projects

The rapid paced technology world needs sound project management for success. Be it as an aspirant or an experienced ICT project manager, knowing the fundamental strategies is what differentiates you. Here are ways of excelling in this domain that keep on changing.

The Role of Time Management

Time management serves as a foundation in ICT project management. It helps to remain atop schedules by employing time blocking strategies and having clear deadlines.

Tasks ought to be prioritized according to urgency and importance while progress should be reviewed frequently. Task management tools like Trello or Asana will make it easier for you to stay on course with your milestones.

Resource Allocation

To maximize project delivery, proper resource allocation is very important. Determine your resources from both personnel and technology then allocate them appropriately.

Regularly check on the way resources have been used so as not to face bottlenecks within teams since each member’s abilities must always be optimized. Some examples of such tools include Microsoft Project or Smartsheet which can help monitor and modify resource distribution.

Strategies for Communicating

Within the management of ICT projects, effective communication is very important. It’s essential to create a safe space where team members can express their thoughts, and concerns and provide updates.

Communication tools such as Slack and Microsoft Teams may assist in keeping an organized and consistent dialogue. To ensure that all the aspects are together, it’s important to have regular meetings as well as status reports.

Tools and Software Necessary

A good number of tools and software must be known by every ICT project manager. Tracking progress and managing tasks can’t be done without project management software like Jira or Basecamp. In addition to that, data visualization tools like Tableau can help present project insights effectively.

You need to familiarize yourself with these tools to improve your capabilities in project management.

Being proficient in these techniques ensures the timely completion of ICT projects, keeping them on budget too. They are confident about their management style due to embracing these tips even if it means traversing through complex paths throughout the process of managing an information technology project.


Here’s an example: building a customer relationship management (CRM) system. In this project, advanced solutions from the past in the field of ICT are employed to facilitate customer interaction, data management, and business improvement through the use of ICT.

Information communication technology (ICT) includes tools and systems like email, cloud computing, and networking hardware. For example, using a cloud-based collaboration platform allows teams to work together remotely, demonstrating how ICT integrates information and communication technology to enhance productivity and communication.

Below are three instances of information communication technology (ICT):

  1. Cloud Computing : These include storage and collaboration services such as Google Drive or Microsoft Azure.
  2. Communication Tools : Zoom or Microsoft Teams are examples of platforms that support virtual meetings and messaging.
  3. Networking Hardware : Equipment such as routers and switches which allow internet connection as well as data transfer.

Thus, these examples explain how everything is about connectivity plus effectiveness in an era where ICT has become the order of the day.

The following are some illustrations of communication technology as it relates to information:

  1. Cloud Computing : Scalable data storage and services are for instance, Google Cloud or AWS platforms.
  2. Email : For instance, Gmail or Outlook are some examples of digital communication services.
  3. Smartphones : For instance iPhones and Android phones serve as mobile communication devices with apps.
  4. Networking Hardware : For instance, routers, switches, or modems that can be used to connect to the internet.
  5. Virtual Meeting Tools : Online collaboration platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams (for online meetings).
  6. Social Media Networks: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are examples of social networking sites.
  7. CRM Systems :  Managing customer relations through software like Salesforce is an example.
  8. E-learning platforms : Such as Coursera or Khan Academy provide tools for online education.
  9. Data Management Systems : Examples include MySQL or MongoDB which store information in databases.
  10. IoT Devices :Internet connected smart home gadgets range from thermostats to security cameras.

The numerous applications of information and communication technology in everyday life and business are emphasized by these examples.

our examples of information communication technologies (ICT) tools are given below:

  1. Microsoft Office Suite  with Word, Excel, and PowerPoint providing productivity and document management capabilities.
  2. Slack is a platform that enables team members to communicate and collaborate.
  3. Google Workspace - comprises applications such as Google Docs and Google Drive for document processing or creation as well as staying in the cloud.
  4. Cisco WebEx enables virtual meetings through video conferencing.

Productivity, and communication issues dealt with in these tools make them useful when it comes to working together from different locations.

Ten examples of tools for information communication technology (ICT) include:

  1. Microsoft Office Suite  this includes Word, Excel, and PowerPoint that are basically used in document creation and management.
  2. Google Workspace  tools like Google Docs Sheets and Drive are for group work which encourages collaborative efforts through storing information in the cloud.
  3. Slack this is a platform that facilitates team communication as well as project management.
  4. Zoom this is an application meant for video conferencing and online meetings.
  5. Trello  a project management tool meant for organizing tasks together with their workflows.
  6. Microsoft Teams  this is a platform meant for collaboration where you can chat with others, hold meetings or share files.
  7. Dropbox it serves as a cloud storage service allowing users to exchange files or synchronize them over the internet.
  8. Asana it helps to track projects as well as measure the productivity of teams involved.
  9. Salesforce a customer relationship management (CRM) system used in managing clients’ data as well as customer interactions.
  10. Cisco WebEx  used for video conferencing and online teamwork. This array of ICT instruments caters to various facets of productivity enhancement, interpersonal communication improvement, and project control management improvement.

In the realms of information and communication technology (ICT), there exist three primary constituents:

  1. Hardware Actual apparatuses like computers, servers, and networking equipment.
  2. Software Programs and systems such as operating systems, office suites, and productivity tools.
  3. Networking Infrastructural provisions for interconnection, including routers, switches, and internet protocols.

These ingredients cooperate to facilitate efficient data management, communication, and integration of technology.

The main tool of information communication technology (ICT) is a computer. For processing data, running software applications, and accessing the Internet computers are used as a central device. Various ICT functions and services can be supported through the integration of hardware, software, and networking elements.

The teaching process can be enhanced using information communication technology (ICT) through:

  1. Digital Learning Resources  Tools like e-books, online courses, and educational apps that support different styles of learning
  2. Interactive Whiteboards  Devices for dynamic presentations and real-time interactions
  3. Virtual Classrooms  Platforms like Zoom or Google Classroom which facilitate distance education as well as collaboration

The use of these ICT applications enhances participation, accessibility, and effectiveness in education.


The present day hurdles are tackled using Information Communication Technology (ICT) projects. A comprehension of the history of Information Communication Technology is vital in comprehending how the present day solutions were pioneered.

For effective management of such projects, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of what an Information Technology Project Manager does. By emphasizing information and communication technologies, organizations will be able to address challenges, improve their effectiveness as well as remain competitive in today’s fast changing digital landscape.

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